Title: Unconsciously
Pairing: Yamada-centric,YamaJima, Yuto x OC
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Angst, AU
Word Count: 352 words
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
All along, unconsciously.
A/N: Happy Birthday lovetoosweet! Because you like angst, and I love your angst :3
He was just standing at the station, when he felt a hug from
behind. “Morning, Yama-chan.” The taller guy had just leaned his weight against
Ryosuke’s frame, and the older boy just smiled. “We’re going to be late, let’s
go,” and Yuto was pulled along and into the train.
It wasn’t long before Yuto had managed to go into dreamland
on Ryosuke. A smile appeared on his lips, as he remembered how he had met Yuto
just last year.
Many things had happened, pulling them closer than ever. It
was just another normal morning, and what made him met Yuto was simply the
taller boy slumping onto him, making him scream at the station. After Yuto was
awake at that time, they started a small conversation, seeing that they went to
the same school.
“I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Nakajima Yuto.”
“Oh yes, I’m Yamada Ryosuke. Nice to meet you.”
Unconsciously, Ryosuke kept spotting Yuto in school, bumping
into each other in various places, like the cafeteria or the rooftop. They were
drawn closer, and somehow Ryosuke realized how much he knew about Yuto.
About how the younger guy loved playing the drums, or the
millions of hobbies he has, like photography. He knew about his family, that
Yuto has a brother complex. And even how the younger locks himself in the
bathroom for an hour.
Unconsciously, Yamada Ryosuke found himself in love with
Nakajima Yuto.
“Yama-chan, I wanted to tell you something.” Nodding his
head, he motioned for Yuto to continue. He saw him fidgeting, and somehow,
Ryosuke felt something heavy in his heart. An impending dread for what Yuto was
about to tell him.
“I’m dating Minami-chan.”
It was then, he felt his world fell, and knew that all
along, it was all one-sided.
It was like any other days, and Ryosuke peered out of the
window to see Yuto walking back home with Minami. He felt his heart clench, yet
he can never stop the feelings that he felt towards Yuto.
He would always unconsciously find himself looking at the
younger guy, and unconsciously, he hurts himself again.
Labels: birthday present, oneshot, yamajima, yaoi