Title: Dash!!
Pairing: Yuto-centric, YamaJima, OkaTaro, slight-OkaYama (mention of other pairings)
Genre: Fluff
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Summary: Throw away all your insecurities.
A/N: This fic can be read as a one-shot, or be linked to 4 other one-shots that will come soon. Each of these one-shots is based on one of JUMP's song, or somehow related!
Enjoy! 8D
Too Shy feat. Morimoto Ryutaro |
Romeo & Juliet feat. Yamada Ryosuke |
Deep Night Kimi Omou feat. Okamoto Keito |
Slumped in one corner of JUMP's dressing room, Yuto observed the others. It was the same every day. Yabu and Hikaru were whispering to each other at the table.
On the couch, Daiki and Inoo snuggled with each other as they slowly dozed off to dreamland.
Chinen was on Takaki's lap, as they talked to each other, engrossed in the topic. His eyes landed on Ryutaro and Keito. Ryutaro was asking Keito some English questions, since there were weird words on the book.
However, Keito seems to be looking somewhere else.
Following his friend's gaze, his heart sank. Their gaze ended up at Ryosuke who was sitting near Yuto, reading.
Ryosuke must have felt the stares, and he looked up from his manga. The next thing Yuto knew, was that Ryosuke was looking back at him, and a smile was on the older boy's face. "Ne, Yuto-kun. Sit closer."
He had patted on the floor beside him, and Yuto just smiled back as he moved nearer to Ryosuke. Sitting there shoulder to shoulder, Yuto could see the contents of the manga Ryosuke was reading too.
The faint scent of Ryosuke could be sniffed, and Yuto had found his heart going on a marathon. It wasn't surprising for him.
Nakajima Yuto knew long ago that he had fallen for his best friend, Yamada Ryosuke.
He had thought of confessing before, however whenever he was about to say it out, he was stopped by the thought that it would be awkward for them if the older boy doesn't feel the same.
Soft laughter could be heard coming from Ryosuke and Yuto looked at the boy. "Yuto-kun, look at this." Shifting even closer, Ryosuke had leaned onto Yuto's frame as he showed him a page of the manga.
'I looked at him, as I felt my heart racing. Everything I did reminded me of him. I guess ... I love him so much.'
"Yama-chan, you've borrowed you're sister's shojo manga again?" Yuto had poked at Ryosuke's chubby cheeks as he asked.
Smiling, Ryosuke placed the manga faced down and rubbed his cheeks. "Itai yo, Yuto-kun. Yes, so what?" The bright smile on the older boy's face was so dazzling to him.
Yuto picked the manga up, and he pointed to the page. "So why are you showing me this page, Yama-chan?" That had cause Ryosuke's cheeks to be slowly tinted pink, and immediately looking away.
There was some mumble, and Yuto could only make out some of the words that Ryosuke had said. "Don't tell me Yama-chan, you're feeling all these for me?" A boyish grin appeared on Yuto's lips, and he saw Ryosuke flinch and his blush darkened.
It was meant to be a joke, that sentence Yuto had said. However, the reactions of Ryosuke said otherwise. 'Don't tell me ...' Picking up his courage, Yuto just cursed mentally that he doesn't care anymore.
He just love Ryosuke so much. He threw away all his doubts, as he leaned forward, nearer to Ryosuke's ears and whispered. "I love you, Yamada Ryosuke."
Yuto could heard his heartbeat when Ryosuke turned to look at him with wide eyes. Tears accumulated at the side of the older boy's eyes, and soon, Yuto found Ryosuke in his arms.
"I love you too baka. That's the meaning of that page." Yuto just smiled at how cute his best friend is.
"So, will you be my lover?" That had earned a playful slap on Yuto's forehead, and looking at Ryosuke, he saw the smile that Ryosuke had reserved for him. "Of course."
So now, Yuto had his boyfriend in his embrace again. With Ryosuke, he wouldn't fear anything. Just open his wings and fly.
Because Ryosuke was his everything.
Labels: oneshot, yamajima, yaoi