Title: Never Stopped
Pairing: YamaJima
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 643 words
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Summary: They've never stopped
A/N: Alright! This fic is for thenewsfangirl, natz666, roughededged, bluebellz81, koigaii & hinamoyashi27! :D because I just feel like giving them this fic (: & also to everyone who started school, GANBARETSUGO!
They’ve stopped glomping each other on screen. How long has it been? Yuto was clicking on his laptop while waiting for Ryosuke to finish his practice.
It was interesting to see what fans have been talking about over the net. One thing would be that Yuto can be anyone he wants and just stalk all the news, though he was very sure all JUMP members have a livejournal account.
This was the only time Yuto thanked the education system for forcing them to learn English.
He had stopped scrolling when a post caught his eyes.
‘YamaJima hasn’t been close for a very long time. It’s now the age of YamaChii and OkaJima!’
Yuto had cringe at this particular post and he felt arms snaking around his neck. Turning around he saw Ryosuke reading that particular post that he had stopped at. “That so not true.”
A soft laugh escaped Yuto’s lips as he hit his boyfriend’s head lightly. “Of course, now go wash up. We’re going to my house tonight right?” With that, Ryosuke planted a kiss on Yuto’s cheek and ran off. He doesn’t like Yuto to wait for him too long.
Clicking on the comment button, Yuto chose an icon of him and Ryosuke, or widely known as YamaJima, though he personally thought it should be NakaDa, since he was topping.
‘Maybe they are not showing their love so publicly. You don’t know what happens behind the camera.’ The faint smell of strawberry shampoo infiltrated his nose, and Yuto beamed as he turned around to get a full kiss on the lips. “You should stop ninja-ing on me like this.”
“Not that you mind though, Yuto-kun.” That smirk on Ryosuke’s lips was playful and Yuto knew that it was because the older boy had seen what he had posted up. “Should we have more fanservice with each other, since fans say they don’t get enough of us.”
“Ryosuke, you know Johnny-san wouldn’t like that.”
“It’s our love life, don’t forget.” Yuto just surrendered with a smile on his face as he shut down his laptop. Putting it back into the bag, Yuto took Ryosuke’s bag from the older boy’s hand too and they walked out of the Jimusho hand in hand.
“Fans now think that Yama-chan and I are not that close anymore.” Yuto had openly said it out, and Ryosuke who was seating beside the tall and lanky boy just scrunched up his face. He was so going to kill his boyfriend in the backstage later. “Ohh I heard about that!” Chinen piped in from the other side of Ryosuke, and the older boy just swore he’ll kill both of them later.
“But, seriously. To be with both of them almost twenty-four hours, you’ll see that both of them practically stick to each other.” A grin surfaced on Chinen’s lips as the fans squealed in delight. “That’s because …” Both of his hands were fling up in a surrender pose, and Ryosuke felt Yuto patting his head.
“They’ve never stopped loving each other~.” Chinen teased, and Ryosuke almost strangled the squirrel. The other JUMP members then came in talking about how they would stick together during practices and other time where Yuto would just wait for Ryosuke.
“When has it become talking about Yuto-kun and me? We’re supposed to talk about our latest single!” Ryosuke sighed as the others just laughed. Ryutaro had decided to be evil and said, “Maybe we’re YamaJima shippers.”
Keito had laughed hard at Ryosuke’s red face, and fans scream in joy.
“But, really. We’re still really good friends, even if we don’t show it out.” The older boy had given up and flashed a smile towards Yuto’s direction.
They never stopped loving each other. They’ve just stopped displaying public affections for each other, because what they are sharing now is much more then friendship.
Labels: oneshot, yamajima, yaoi