Story: Endless Dream
Chapter 5: Last Pair
Pairing: InooDai
Genre: Angst, twisted-Fluff, Suspense, Horror, Tragedy, Mystery
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Summary: Both of them managed to meet again, only to be included in a game of murder.
A/N: There's going to be more twist to this story! 8D
Enjoy! :D
<< Chapter 4
"Arioka Daiki desu. Hope we'll have a good time together!" The shorted boy greeted with a huge smile on his face. The taller one stepped nearer to the front, and waved. "Inoo Kei. Good to be here."
Then, a loud bang could be heard from the next class, and all heads turned towards the door. "Ahh, Inoo-chan, who's the one at the next door?" Daiki had laced both his arms on Inoo's shoulders, and his chin was resting there too.
"That would probably by Chii and Takaki. They are the only ones who would make such a ruckus, and spoiling the plan." Turning back, he had smiled softly at the younger boy.
Takashima Kana had rushed into the classroom, eyes wide in disbelieve as she announced to the class, "Takashi sensei was ... He was flung into the classroom door, but the really
chibi transfer student." A student that was smaller sized than the teacher? Flung the teacher into the door?
A laugh erupted, and all eyes were on Daiki. From Inoo's expression, it was evident that the taller boy was trying his best not to burst out laughing like the younger boy. "What are your laughing at?! Takashi sensei is bleeding!" Kana's hands that were on the door frame tightened.
A glow of darkness could be seen in both of their eyes. Now, both of their laughter echoed through the entire room. "Damn, Chii should restrict his strength." Inoo chocked out, while still laughing at the mess Chinen had made in the next room.
"According to my calculations, that's only 10% of his strength! Oh, what would happen if he was to use 50% of it!" A smirk appeared on Daiki's face, and somehow the shadow had over cast the two transfer student. Lightnings could be seen outside the classroom.
"Now, we should start our part too."
Inoo had gestured their teacher to the side, with a smiling face. Somehow, there was a murderous intention behind that mask full of smiles. "The last pair."
As Daiki spoke, everyone in class had wondered why did the transfer students know about their town's legend. The five star-crossed lovers.
The last pair had loved each other since childhood, yet they were separated from each other because of the sudden move of one of their family.
However that wasn't all. Both of them managed to meet again, only to be included in a game of murder.
"What are you talking about, transfer student?! YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT OUR TOWN'S LEGEND!" Kana shouted.
She was the grand-daughter of the town's priest, and she had heard about their stories for many years. This was like the twisted version of their town's legend.
Looking up, Inoo smirked and she had suddenly felt herself moving back, her limbs moving involuntarily. It was like some invisible forces were forcing her to move. "You. All of you know nothing. Nothing about us." Both of the transfer students' eyes were fixed on her.
Anger, hatred, sadness. Revenge.
The hard concrete wall could be felt on her back, and she shivered in fear. Why was that? And, did that transfer student said 'us'?
Who are they?
Labels: chaptered, Endless Dream, inoodai, yaoi