Title: Mismatched
Pairing: KusaTaka (Kusaka Shuzaburo x Takasugi Ichiro)
Fandom: Scrap Teacher
Genre: Fluff
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Summary: We're such a mismatched pair.
A/N: I got crazy over this pairing, and because I don't really have idea for YamaJima ;A;
(I'm secretly proud of this fic~ :3)
Enjoy! :D
And so, they had decided to have a camp. “Alright, choose your dance partner now!” That was the only signal that made the whole 2-B went crazy. Irie and Yoshida were surrounded by girls, and Takasugi had just decided to stand at a corner to watch.
Unknowingly, his gaze landed on Kusaka, the hot-headed student of Sugi sensei. A smile was on the taller boy's face, and Takasugi felt his heart beating faster. Spotting the boy standing at the side, Kusaka gave the mysterious transfer student a gentle smile.
He had started to move across the hall towards Takasugi, and he saw the transfer student giving him confused look. Half-way, he had mouthed to the shorter boy, ‘Be my dance partner.’ A shrug, before Takasugi had curtly nodded his head in agreement.
It doesn’t really matter right?
Holding out his hand, Kusaka saw Takasugi hesitating. “Don’t worry Takasugi! It’s only for this time round.” Although it seems like Kusaka’s normal bright smile, Takasugi noticed that his gaze was much softer.
When their hands had finally touched, Kusaka was pulled away by Taki-sensei. “Yosh! Kusaka can be my dance partner.” As he was being pulled away, Kusaka turned back to look at Takasugi. Disappointment was in both of their eyes.
So it has ended up with Kusaka partnering up with Taki-sensei and Takasugi with Tsuchiya, the train freak.
Motorcycles and cars were surrounding Kusaka, Taki-sensei and Sawatari now. The roars of the engine was cut off by a very familiar voice. “Excuse me but,” Looking up, Kusaka's eyes were immediately met with Takasugi’s.
The three transfer students never fail to amaze him that they could just appear every time they were in trouble.
Kusaka felt his heart jumping out as a motorcycle started to zoom towards Takasugi. Inwardly, he started to pray. ‘Please be alright.’
Ended up, everything went well. On the boat where they took to go to the camp site, Kusaka saw the shorter boy bandaging his arm in a room. Without any sound, he entered the room and took the bandage over. It doesn’t really matter that Takasugi was currently half-naked.
“Ha? What are you doing here?” Takasugi had jumped a little, but allowed the taller boy to continue. Scars and bruises littered around his torso area, and Kusaka’s gaze lingered there a little longer. The shorter boy had felt his cheeks starting to burn, “You’re staring.”
“Did you get all those from previous fights and your so-called missions?” The bandage on his arm was done and Kusaka use his finger to trace on a scar that runs across Takasugi’s collar bone. His hand was immediately slapped away, and the transfer student spat, “That’s none of your business, even if they were.”
He was immediately pinned against the wall, and he mentally thought, ‘Kusaka didn’t look this strong.’ The grip on his wrists were firm, yet gentle at the same time. Was this even possible?
The taller boy’s forehead was now against his, and their bodies were touching. Takasugi could feel the other boy’s heart racing, just like his.
“It worries me to see you just running into danger.” The sentence was spoken so softly, and Takasugi could feel the warm breath tickling against his nose. A smirk was on his lips as the next sentence came out. “Then you should stop meddling with all these things. You’re running head-on into them too.”
The grips on his wrists loosened, and the hands went down to his waist, loosely hanging there. To his surprise, Takasugi didn’t shrug them off. Instead, the shorter boy had his hands on Kusaka’s arms. “We must be the most mismatched pair.”
“Buzamada.” With a smirk matching the shorter boy's, Kusaka just leaned in, capturing Takasugi’s perfect lips with his. The kiss was returned, and deep inside, both of them wanted it to last longer.
No one would have known about their relationship, not with how they have been acting in public. It had took every ounce of Kusaka’s will power to stop moving his hands future down into Takasugi’s pants.
When they broke apart, a small blush coloured Takasugi’s cheeks, and he quickly moved out of Kusaka’s grip, pulling back his uniform on.
They never did truly confess to each other. No ‘I love you’ or other sweet words. They were blunt, sarcastic and straight to the point. That was who they are. Showing their concern openly, yet hiding their concerns with more lies.
They contradict themselves, yet act themselves in front of each other.
A mismatched pair, yet they complement each other. It’s funny how the world works.
Labels: kusataka, oneshot, scrap teacher, yamajima, yaoi