Title:Five Seconds
Pairing: KusaTaka (Kusaka Shuzaburo x Takasugi Ichiro)
Fandom: Scrap Teacher
Genre: Angst
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Summary: For that five seconds
A/N: I got addicted writing them, oh gosh. The next one will be REAL YamaJima, I swear. I hope?
Rain poured down, and both boys gazed deeply into each other's eyes.
"It's impossible. You know that Kusaka." His voice was firm, yet in his eyes, Kusaka saw sadness. Shaking his head, Takasugi saw that the taller boy was still stubborn as ever.
Strong arms encircled Takasugi's waist, and Kusaka buried his face in the drenched hair. Breathing in, he felt Takasugi's scent infiltrating into his nose.
"Stop making it so hard Kusaka. Stop." Takasugi's tears were mixed with the rain, and Kusaka desperately tried to kiss them away. "Why must it end up like this?" The soft whisper of Kusaka could be heard, and Takasugi had returned the hug ever so tightly.
Why has it ended up like this? Why does he have to leave?
Cupping Takasugi's chin, Kusaka tilted the shorter boy's head up, capturing Takasugi's lips with his. The kiss lasted only for five seconds, and both of them had wanted the time to stop at that moment.
After that five seconds, both of them parted with tear stained faces and a broken heart.
"Takasugi, do you really have to go?" There they were, with Irie, Yoshida and Sugi-sensei there in the classroom too. Turning back, Takasugi tried to hide his sadness, but he knew Kusaka had saw through his mask. "Don't cry over spilt milk."
With that, a bitter smile was followed and as he turned around, Takasugi felt his heart breaking all over again.
Kusaka had ran after them. "Will we meet again?"
Takasugi only gave him a smirk. "Maybe one day, under this blue sky. We'll meet again." And than, he just left without a trace like the wind.
Kusaka only swore that those last five seconds would be carved into his mind forever, until they meet again. He was going to hang onto that last five seconds, and he knows Takasugi would probably do that too.
Labels: drama fics, kusataka, oneshot, scrap teacher, yamajima, yaoi