Title: Aki no Sora (秋の空 : YamaJima version)
Pairing: YamaJima
Genre: slight-Fluff/Angst
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
WARNING: Character Death.
Summary: We'll meet again.
A/N: I've finished the NEWS version! So, now onto the Hey! Say! JUMP version of Aki no Sora, a discontinued collection of one-shot angst/death fic! 8D I'm hooked onto Angst nowadays. Hope that you'll keep supporting, even though it's not NEWS now!
Enjoy 8D
His feet tapped on the studio floor gracefully, beads of perspiration shimmered in the dim lighting of the room. The whole of JUMP had already left the studio, leaving Yuto here alone, dancing in silence. The other members knew that nothing they say would stop Yuto from practicing too much. Too much, as in dancing from 7am in the morning till 10pm at night with no breaks in between, save lunch and dinner.
They knew they can't do anything about it because Yuto would only listen to one person.
Yamada Ryosuke.
Yuto closed his eyes, and he saw the images of the day that he wanted to forget. Everything happened so quickly. A tear formed, and rolled down his cheeks. "Ryosuke."
Yuto waved at the shorted boy, signaling to him to walk faster. Spotting Yuto, Ryosuke broke into a smile, and lunged forward into Yuto's strong embrace. Affectionately, Yuto ruffled the older boy's hair, despite his protests, although throughout the friendly argument, the smile never did fade away.
They went for lunch, and walked around the shopping district, hands interlaced tightly. They shared secret kisses with each other in corners where no one could see them.
Than, it all happened in a flash. Yuto was crossing the road, rushing over to meet Ryosuke on the other side. A red car was speeding, and was unable to stop, even after seeing Yuto. He heard Ryosuke shouting Yuto, and felt an impact. When he opened his eyes again, all he saw was Ryosuke lying in a pool of his own ruby red blood.
Yuto hoisted Ryosuke into his embrace, tears landing onto his boyfriend's pale face. "Ryosuke, don't close your eyes. You can't leave me alone. I wouldn't be able to survive without you." Ryosuke used his remaining strength to smile, and touched Yuto's face with his cold hands. "Yuto, I'm glad you're safe. Sorry for leaving first. I love you, Yuto."
"I love you too, Ryosuke. Don't close your eyes!" After these words left Yuto's mouth, Ryosuke smiled even wider, and mouthed a 'thank you', and his hands fell back to his side, eyes closed, but his smile was still there.
Yuto's fist banged into the studio's floorboard. It was because of him that Ryosuke's gone. Forever.
"Yuto, stop reprimanding yourself." Yuto looked up, eyes wide opened. It couldn't be. Looking around, he didn't see anyone. "Ryosuke?"
"Yuto, you have to eat. You're getting even skinnier than a few months back." The voice continued. It was no doubt. The voice belongs to Yamada Ryosuke. "Ryosuke, where are you? Come out. Let me see you one more time."
"There's no use, Yuto. We're now in different worlds. But do know I'm always by your side. So take care of yourself please? If not, the next time you'll see rice floating into you mouth." Yuto could almost see Ryosuke standing in front of him, grinning away with his cheeky smile. Than, he felt a cold touch on his cheeks. Although he couldn't see Ryosuke, he was sure that Ryosuke was in front of him, touching him.
"Ryosuke. I'm so sorry." Now, a finger was on his lips. Than, he felt a cool pressure on his lips. He attempted to return the kiss, but he couldn't touch Ryosuke. "Yuto, don't worry. It'll be a last kiss from me. I don't think you'll be hearing me from now on. Let's meet in our next life okay? I'll be waiting."
Yuto stood up, trying to grab Ryosuke, calling out to his boyfriend not to leave him again. Suddenly he felt his heart sank, and he knew Ryosuke was now really gone.
"Ryosuke, wait for me. We'll meet again."
From than on, Yuto started to go back into his normal life, but not smiling as much as before. Sometimes, he would disappear from rehearsal for a moment, and come back after a few hours. The other members don't know where he went, only Ryutaro knew.
He would always visit Ryosuke's grave every single day. And that'll continue until the day where they'll meet again.
Labels: Aki no Sora, oneshot, yamajima, yaoi