Title: Too Shy
Pairing: OkaTaro, YamaJima, slight-OkaYama
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Summary: Without calling it love nor knowing my dreams, I gazed at you. Forever and ever and ever, always.
A/N: This fic can be read as a one-shot, or be linked to 4 other one-shots that will come soon. Each of these one-shots is based on one of JUMP's song, or somehow related!
Dash!! feat. Nakajima Yuto |
Romeo & Juliet feat. Yamada Ryosuke |
Deep Night Kimi Omou feat. Okamoto Keito |
Moving closer to the English boy, Ryutaro opened his English textbook. "Ne, Keito. What does this word mean?"
No answer.
The older boy's gaze landed on Ryosuke, and a bitter smile formed on Ryutaro's face. Of course. He knew it all along. After all, he had seen things happen from afar, without Keito spotting him.
His heart would always thump loudly, and his face would flush whenever the older boy was to talk to him. The smile of Keito melted his heart, and his occasional contact with Keito sent jolts down his spine.
The soft gazes that Keito used when he looked at Ryosuke. Those didn't escape the eyes of Ryutaro. Somehow, he could literally feel his heart break into tiny pieces.
Was this called love?
Confess? Ryutaro was too shy for that, even though he had tons of chances to do that. Deep in his thoughts, the idea that he'll continue to love the older boy silently, watching him. These thoughts hurts.
Would Keito know anything? Would he hear how much I love him? Would he say anything?
Or would Keito just become part of his past, just a memory for Ryutaro?
These had scared Ryutaro.
"Sorry, you were saying?" Keito had finally replied, and looking at Ryosuke, Ryutaro saw that the boy was now in Yuto's embrace.
Shaking his head, with a smile intact, Ryutaro continued to ask. "This word. What does it mean?"
A frown was etched on the older boy's face, and Ryutaro had giggled at the attention he was given now. He loves to see Keito thinking seriously about his questions. It's like Ryutaro was important to the boy, since he was seriously pondering.
Lifting his hand, Ryutaro used his index finger and placed it in the center of Keito's forehead. Slowly, he rubbed it in a circular motion. "Ryutaro?" A blush crept up his cheeks, and he had immediately turned around.
Mumbling, Ryutaro had explained, "You're frowning. If it continues, you'll get wrinkles. You're an idol you know, Keito?" Damn, he had just let his heart go on to do what ever it wants.
A smile had surfaced on Keito's face, and he continue. "Affection is a type of love. May it be friendship, kinship, or even a relationship between a couple." The English book was handed back to Ryutaro, and Keito got ready to stand up, only to be held back by a pair of hands on his wrist.
Looking back, he saw Ryutaro facing the floor. "Then, can you tell me ... How exactly do you show affection to someone you love."
Tears were almost flowing. The soft laughter of Keito floated into Ryutaro's ears, and he felt his heart doing a somersault. He felt fingers on his chin, lifting his head up.
Eyes had widened as Ryutaro realised how close his face was to Keito, and he felt Keito pressing his forehead against his and he faintly caught the words of the older boy. "This is a way."
Soft lips crashed into his, and Ryutaro felt that time had stopped. Was this even true? Unknowingly, tears just started to fall.
When they broke apart, Keito wiped the tears away, and embraced the younger boy. "Ne, Ryutaro. This is also a way to show affection."
"Than, what kind of love is this?" His tears just wouldn't stop. Don't tell him that normal friends would just kiss on the lips. Was this true? Or was Keito just messing with his feelings?
Hands slowly stroked his head, and he could faintly feel Keito smiling. "This is called love. Between couples." It was than, Ryutaro felt that all the puzzles had fell in place.
For once, he let himself relax, as he continued to cry in his current boyfriend's arms. At least, Keito would be part of his future now.
Labels: okataro, oneshot, yaoi