Title: Aki no Sora (秋の空 : KoyaShige version)
Paring: KoyaShige
Genre: Angst
Disclaimer: No, I don't own them ):
WARNING: Character Death.
Summary: When I think of you, my chest tightens.
A/N: Because Aiko-chan pulled me into the NEWS fandom, and I fell in love with KoyaShige :x And also,
Aki no Sora is such a nice song, that it's tempting me to write :D and this is the result (.____.)
Dedicated to my Aiko-koi! :D
"Shige!" Tears started forming in the eyes of Kato Shigeaki. The voice that had always called his name in the tone he loved was so far away now. It was autumn in Tokyo already. Time passes too quickly. By habit, he pulled out his phone, only to be disappointed by the lack of any text messages. Shige was just wondering around aimlessly around the streets. His ears were stuffed with his ear piece, which were blasting music into his ears.
They said, "The louder the music, the deeper the pain." At this point, everyone passing him would probably be discussing about his taste of music. Yes, the pain he's feeling was
that much. Looking up into the sky, he muses over the fact that the clouds really looked far away, no matter how close they may seem to be. The clouds were just like
Koyama Keiichiro.
When he reached his apartment, he went straight into his room, locking himself up, and rolled into a ball on his bed. His bed felt really empty, now that it was a Queen sized bed instead of a single. Rolling over the other side, he inhaled the scent that was lingering on the sheets. 'It still smells like him.' Shige thought, as he allowed himself to smile slightly. It was than, that his phone started to play "Love Addiction" over and over again, signaling to Shige that there was an incoming call.
"Mushi mushi? Shigeaki desu."
"Shige! Are you alright? After what ..." It was Massu. It was no wonder that his band mate had used such a worried tone. It is a fact that Shige had actually ditched work for 1 month already.
A hush tone cut Massu's sentence, and Shige heard the phone being handed to another person.
"Oi, shouldn't you come back already? He wouldn't want to see you like this." The tone was demanding, yet Shige knew that it was his way of comforting him. YamaPi was their leader, no matter how he acted.
"Ha, I would've gone back, but it's hard. I'm still trying though." was his reply. It was a topic that he'd try to steer off during a conversation. After some more persuading by the leader, Shige was left in the silence of his room again.
Looking out of his window, he wondered where was Koyama now. In a better place, perhaps? Around his room, littered the little memories that he had shared with Koyama. A picture of him and Koyama wearing the Gachapin costume during Koyama's birthday. A tear rolled down his cheeks, as he remembered the little things of Koyama.
The warmth of Koyama, his voice, the lingering touches, Koyama's soft lips and blond hair. The giggle that Koyama would always let out when Shige screw up, before he helps.
His phone beeped, and he realised he had received a text message. His eyes widened in shock, as he saw the contents of the message. He was even more shocked when he saw who had sent it.
Dear Shige,
By the time you're reading this, I would've probably been gone from your world. Gomen ne? Would you forgive me for leaving you alone in this world? I wouldn't be selfish and tell you to forget about me or remember me for life. If it's too painful, I would prefer you to forget. I'm really sorry for not tell you about my sickness earlier. I just couldn't bring myself to tell you that I only had 1 more month to live after we've finally got together. I was selfish. I really love you. Thank you for giving me the best years of my life, and the best time before I left. This message would probably be sent to you after some days after ... you know. Don't worry, I didn't come back to life! My mother helped me send it. No matter what you want to do with our memories, just know. I, Koyama Keiichiro love you, Kato Shigeaki.
Koyama Keiichiro
PS: I wouldn't forget you. May we meet in the next life.
Shige's hand shook, as tears just poured down, like a broken faucet. For the first time in the month, he finally managed a smile, as he cliched onto the last memory of Koyama. The last evidence that Koyama love him.
Kato Shigeaki know that he would never forget Koyama Keiichiro. He knew that he would be in love with Koyama for this whole life, and the next, and the next, until eternity. So now, he would wait. For his time to be up, and he'll meet Koyama in another world where they'll be together again. They are soul mates in the first place, anyway.
All Shige was going to do was go on with life, until it's time for him to leave too.
Labels: Aki no Sora, koyashige, oneshot, yaoi