Title: Aki no Sora (秋の空 : TegoMass version)
Pairing: TegoMass (side pairing: KoyaShige & RyoPi)
Genre: Angst
Disclaimer: I don't own them :\
Summary: The whole group was devastated by the news.
A/N: Next up, TEGOMASS! and for the first time, no, no one died here ^^
well, this is requested by Aiko-chan, since she love this pairing so much I'm soooooo tempted to write a death fic :x
Enjoy! 8D
Looking up at their manager, he couldn't believe it. This was absolutely ridiculous. YamaPi smashed his fist into the near by wall, and was later sobbing in anger quietly in Ryo's embrace. Ryo's emotions were well checked, but their manager can clearly see the rage in his eyes, and his knuckles turning white.
On the other hand, Shige held Koyama's hand tightly, not willing to let go, and that's the same for Koyama. Tears were forming in the older man's eyes, but he tried his very best not to shed them, because he knew very well that someone else is feeling much worst than him.
At the other side of the NEWS's dressing room, Tegoshi had collapsed onto his knees, his usually lively eyes were now dull and empty. All these had happened because of what the manager had announced earlier.
"Masuda-kun has met with an accident, and he is in a coma."
How did all these happen? Tegoshi rushed out of the stuffy room, ignoring the calls of his band-mate. The cool autumn air rushed against his face, his lungs were begging him for oxygen, his legs begging him to stop. But Tegoshi didn't care now. He didn't have a driver's license, so he'll run.
He'll run to the hospital where Massu now lies.
"Massu!" Tegoshi managed to reach Massu's ward, after asking the nurse at the reception table. After he had opened the door, he was rooted on the spot.
Massu was laying on the hospital bed, dressed in the hospital gown. The lips that were against his last night, was deathly pale. His face which would always glow in delight during their performance was now lifeless. Tubes were poking into his flawless body, and the ward was eerily quiet.
Slowly, Tegoshi built up his courage and went forward to pick up Massu's cold hands."Massu, please wake up. You said that your hands would bring warmth to me, but now, it's so cold." Tears slowly dripped onto the sheets, and the hold on Massu's hand got tighter.
It hurts him so much to see Massu all bandaged up like a mummy.
The others arrived a little later, and when it's night, their manager had to force Tegoshi into the car, with the help of the other members.
It was so foreign. It was a Friday, and usually Massu would be at his apartment. Both of them would be snuggling on the couch, probably watching some movies. He wanted Massu. Somehow, Tegoshi had managed to cry himself to sleep.
Until a phone call arrived, and Tegoshi went into a panic. And he once again ran all the way to the hospital.
"Tegoshi, this is YamaPi. Massu's life is now in danger. We'll meet at the hospital."
When Tegoshi had arrived at the hospital, the rest of the members were already outside of Massu's ward. He could see from the window, the doctors trying to do something. Chanting Massu's name, his mental stability went from bad to worst, as he trashed around, trying to enter the ward, only to be held back by Ryo. Tears rolled down, and Tegoshi was furious. Furious at his failed attempt in breaking away from Ryo's grip. Furious at himself for unable to save Massu.
After awhile, Tegoshi went into an emotional breakdown. Crying and sobbing on the hospital floor. He tugged his knees, and hugged them.
"Please, Massu. Please be alright. I can't live without you."
Labels: Aki no Sora, oneshot, tegomass, yaoi