Title: Deep Night Kimi Omou
Pairing: OkaTaro, YamaJima, slight-OkaYama
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Summary: I think of you, so Deep Night.
A/N: This fic can be read as a one-shot, or be linked to 4 other one-shots that will come soon. Each of these one-shots is based on one of JUMP's song, or somehow related!
Dash!! feat. Nakajima Yuto |
Too Shy feat. Morimoto Ryutaro |
Romeo & Juliet feat. Yamada Ryosuke |
His gaze settled on Ryosuke's reading form. The younger boy was concentrating in his shojo manga, probably borrowed from his sister.
Keito realised he had spaced out, and found Ryutaro seated really close beside him. 'He smells so nice.' Ryosuke was now in Yuto's embrace, and Keito smirked inwardly as he thought that they're finally together. "Sorry, you were saying?"
A smile was plastered on Ryutaro's face, and he saw the younger boy turning to see the YamaJima pair. 'He must have seen me looking at Yama-chan.'
Shaking his head, he asked Keito. "This word. What does it mean?" The English textbook was shoved under his face, and he looked at the particular word Ryutaro wants him to explain.
A frown had almost immediately began to etch into his forehead. Affection. This very word reminded him of how he thinks of Ryutaro. The truth was, Okamoto Keito loves Morimoto Ryutaro. Very much.
Looking at Ryosuke? No. The younger boy had came running to him when he just found out that he loves Yuto a long time ago. Ryosuke had also pried out from Keito his love interest, who was the hamster of JUMP.
Since Ryutaro and Ryosuke were like brothers, and Keito was good friends with Yuto, they started to become each others consultant. He laughed inwardly at their past talks.
Suddenly, a finger was felt on his forehead, rubbing it in circular motions. Keito looked at Ryutaro and whispered, "Ryutaro?" Oh, how he wants this to remain forever.
Before Ryutaro turned to look at the other side, Keito saw the faint blush decorating the younger boy's cheeks. "You're frowning. If it continues, you'll get wrinkles. You're an idol you know, Keito?"
In his mind, Keito muses over how cute the younger boy's reaction is. A smile played on his lips, as he started explaining the word. "Affection is a type of love. May it be friendship, kinship, or even a relationship between a couple." The book in his hand was passed back to Ryutaro, and he prepared to stand up. Anymore time spent with Ryutaro would make him lose his control.
The younger boy doesn't have any idea that he was all Keito think about at night. However, a pair of hands stopped him from moving away. Turning back, he saw Ryutaro looking at the floor, as he asked again, "Then, can you tell me ... How exactly do you show affection to someone you love."
Keito had chuckled softly as he lifted the younger boy's head up to look at him in the eyes. Pressing their foreheads together, Keito whispered as he saw Ryutaro's eyes widening. "This is a way." With that, he closed the distance between their lips.
Breaking apart, Keito saw tears rolling down Ryutaro's cheeks, and he slowly wiped it away, pulling the younger boy into an embrace. "Ne, Ryutaro. This is also a way to show affection." He had felt Ryutaro flinch, before hearing the muffled words. "Than, what kind of love is this?"
His shirt was now partially wet, and he knew Ryutaro was crying. The smell of Ryutaro's hair infiltrated his nose, and Keito buried his face in it, and he slowly stroked the boy's soft hair. "This is called love. Between couples."
It was after that, Keito felt Ryutaro relax into the embrace, and crying more. He didn't say anything, but allowed Ryutaro to continue.
'I'll never let you go. Even though this feels like a magic, as if it's a dream that'll stop anytime. I'm never letting go.'
Labels: okataro, oneshot, yaoi