Title: Fallen Angels
Pairing: YamaJima
Genre: Romance, Gore, AU, Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 341 words
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
They were just fallen angels.
A/N: This doesn't make sense. Writing because I felt like, so don't expect a high quality fic for this.
His smile was so innocent, yet, Yuto knew better. He caressed the older boy’s face, and Yuto followed the other’s smirk. Yamada Ryosuke looked so innocent, he looked like an angel. He was.
It’s just that Yamada Ryosuke was a fallen angel.
“Nakajima-san, your time for the visit is up, please leave.” The taller boy stood up as called, his fingers lingering on Yamada’s cheeks for a little longer. Before he left, he mouthed some words to the older boy, who just smirked in response.
The silent words disappeared into the air, and both of them were separated by that glass wall, where Yuto just looked at Yamada with saddened eyes.
‘He shouldn’t be in there.’
“Yamada Ryosuke, you’re sentenced to life imprisonment for the murder the successor of the Okamoto company. He will serve the life sentence because of his mental health in the institution.” That was the sentence passed on, and Yamada just continued to smirk.
How they didn’t know the truth.
The murder had worried many in the society, and Yuto continued to pack his things, getting ready for his next move. Pulling his luggage behind him, he left his apartment. He left the apartment that he had shared with Yamada.
He was covered in blood when he appeared in front of Yamada again. The older boy just chuckled as he shook his head. “You never really learn how to be a clean killer, do you Yuto?” A smirk was hung on his lips as Yuto unlocked the door of Yamada’s ward, and their hands interlaced, as Yamada pulled the younger boy down for a kiss.
In process, his clothes and hands were stained with blood, and he didn’t really care. Both of them just walked hand in hand out of the institution, where bodies laid limp, littering the corridors.
Both of them didn’t look what they are like. Their innocent faces were their perfect disguise. No one ever thought that both of them were perfectly sane. They knew what they were doing.
They are just fallen angels.
Labels: oneshot, yamajima, yaoi