Title: To the Future
Pairing: InooDai
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Romance
Word Count: 565 words
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
So shake yourself free and soar, to the blue, blue sky
A/N: Written for Inoo Kei's 21st birthday. Inspired by Blue Bird by Ikimonogakari.
Looking at the photo that he kept so preciously in his wallet, Inoo had only a slight smile on his lips as a sigh escaped from his lips. Unconsciously, he realized that he was back to this place. How long have he not been here already?
The window panes were rusting, and the front porch was littered with fallen leaves. Even though the place seems to be falling apart, Inoo took a step forward and soon he was at the front door. Without any hesitation, he just pushed the door opened, and strolled in.
“It never really change does it?” The interior of the house was fully furnished. None of the furniture seems to have moved for a long time, and that had brought a smile to his face. “Everything started here, Daiki.”
“When I become more independent, I would stop relying on Inoo-chan!” That bright smile from the younger boy had somehow blinded Inoo, and he could help but ruffle his boyfriend’s hair. They were living together and Inoo was the one that was making ends meet for the house, since Daiki was still schooling.
He didn’t mind, since Inoo loves the younger guy so much.
However, he didn’t expect to wake up in one morning alone and see a letter on the dining table.
I’ve gotten a scholarship to study in England. It would be for 3 years, and I can’t come back till I finish it. I’m so sorry that I didn’t inform you beforehand. Remember that I promised that I wouldn’t rely on you? I’m keeping my promise now. Let me help you alright? I don’t want to be a burden to you.
Wait for me? I wouldn’t be selfish, but do know that I would always love you.
Arioka Daiki.’
It has been 3 years. Inoo looks at the photo frame that still holds a photo of him and Daiki smiling at their first date. “Why haven’t you come back, Dai-chan?”
What he didn’t hear was the soft creeks of the floorboards behind him. What he didn’t see was a shorter guy slowly walking nearer to him.
But what he heard and felt was all it matters. Arms were flung around his waist, and Inoo felt someone’s forehead leaning against his back. “I’m home, Inoo Kei.”
That voice that he had missed; of course Inoo wouldn’t forget who the voice belongs to. “Daiki …?” Turning around, he had pulled Daiki into his embrace. He buried his face into Daiki’s soft locks, inhaling the scent of his lover.
Pulling apart for a moment, Inoo had then realized that Daiki was crying. “Why are you crying Daiki?”
“You’ve waited for me?” The younger guy was looking down, afraid to look at Inoo in the eyes. “Of course, since you’re the only one for me.”
“Thank you, Kei.”
If you were to walk down the streets, the house that was falling apart was no more. Instead, at the same place, a beautiful house was there. With a properly maintained front porch, the house looked like it was radiating.
And that was the exact same house that was about to fall apart. Now, in that house lives Inoo Kei and Arioka Daiki, where their days were filled with smiles and laughter, with occasional arguments which ends with a kiss.
Both of them made ends meet, and are flying towards the future together.
Labels: birthday present, inoodai, oneshot, yaoi