Title: 5 times Hikaru tried to buy Yabu's Uchiwa
Pairing: YabuHika
Genre: Crack
Word Count: 425 words
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Summary: Hikaru never knows when to stop. Or does he?
A/N: Written for
HSJ fic-a-thon 2011 @
Pulling his hat lower, he tapped his feet as the queue for the concert merchandises was moving slowly. Fangirls around him was whispering, about him being a fanboy, and he nervously pushed his shade up.
When it was finally his turn, he had immediately picked up a Yabu uchiwa, and he had frozen when one of the staffs spoke.
“Hikaru-kun? You should be getting ready to get up on stage!”
The Yabu uchiwa was pulled out of his hand, while Hikaru was dragged back into the backstage.
“Inoo-chan. I want to buy an uchiwa.” Hikaru had slammed the table where the Meiji student was studying. Glancing up a little, Inoo nodded, “And why are you telling me?”
“Because the staffs wouldn’t let me get a Yabu uchiwa.”
That had resulted in Inoo tumbling down the chair laughing as Hikaru explained his attempt to buy Yabu’s uchiwa
Takaki saw Hikaru talking to a junior in the corridor before their concert. “Hikaru what are you doing?” The younger guy just patted the junior before approaching Takaki. “Nothing? I was asking if he’d help me do something.”
It was long before the junior burst into JUMP’s dressing room and shouted that the staff wouldn’t allow him to buy Yabu’s uchiwa.
Hikaru was only grateful that Yabu wasn’t there in the dressing room at that time, while the rest of JUMP laughed their heads off.
They knew something was wrong when they saw Hikaru sneaking around the Johnny’s shop before practice. “Hikaru-kun?”
Hikaru had almost jumped at the sight of Yuto and Ryosuke, and attempted to run. “Are you trying to get Yabu-kun’s uchiwa again?”
A sheepish smile surfaced on the older guy’s lips, and Ryosuke just shook his head. With that, both Yuto and Ryosuke had dragged Hikaru back to where they were suppose to meet the rest of JUMP, with Hikaru whining about it behind them.
Hikaru was kicking up another fuss about not being able to get the uchiwa he wants in the dressing room. He didn’t really notice that Yabu came into the room as he continued to rant on Daiki, sobbing his eyes out.
Smirking to himself, Yabu moved over to Hikaru. Cupping Hikaru’s lips, he had quickly closing the gap between their lips. It was only for a brief moment before he broke it off, and Yabu couldn’t help but smile at Hikaru’s expression.
“Why do you want my uchiwa when you can have the real person?”
Hikaru just said that he gives up wanting a Yabu uchiwa and snuggled in Yabu’s arms.
Labels: drabbles, hikabu, hsj fic-a-thon, yaoi