Title: Trapped : Aftermath
Pairing: OkaTaro / slight-YamaJima / slight-YabuHika
Genre: Fluff, Crack
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Summary: Aftermath of Trapped.
A/N: Dedicated to
roughededged, because we had a fun time using out imagination 8D
Main Fic:
"This is suppose to be a date right?" Ryutaro moved closer to Keito, and the older boy hooked their hands together. Their pace quicken as they entered a cafe. Turning behind, both of them saw two person in the weirdest outfit.
Sunglasses, fake mustaches and even brown overcoats! "Ryu, don't those two people look like your so-called parents?"
From their corner, Yuto started stroking his fake mustache with one hand, and slung his other one around his 'wife's' shoulder. "I still don't think it's safe for our son to date." The older boy spoke up, and he pouted. A frown was etched on his forehead.
Nodding, Yuto just brought their lips together and whispered into their kiss. "I agree. And I don't understand why do you still look so cute, even in this outfit."
Keito had immediately grabbed Ryutaro by the wrist, pulling the younger boy out of the cafe and down the street when he spotted the supposed-parents of Ryutaro kissing.
"Why are Yama-chan and Yuto stalking us?" Ryutaro just whined, and looking back, he saw that hims bandmates had realised about the disappearing act Keito tried to pull, and was now chasing after them.
The older boy just shrugged his shoulder and pulled both of them into a traditional tea and confectionery store.
Sipping slowly at his green tea, Yabu and Hikaru let out a satisfied sigh. "This is refreshing, don't you think, Hika?" Hikaru just smiled at his boyfriend, and took another sip out of his cup of green tea.
No matter what he did, as long as it was with Yabu, it is enjoyable.
"GRANDPA, GRANDMA! HIDE US!" Coming into the shop was Keito pulling Ryutaro behind him, and with his sharp eyes, Ryutaro had spotted his so-called-grandparents and called out. Hikaru had spat his green tea onto Yabu's face, and his boyfriend just gave him an annoyed look.
Now, Ryutaro was the one pulling Keito towards the YabuHika pair, and both of them dove under the table. "Ryutaro, what happened?" Yabu asked while he took a napkin and wiped off the green tea from his face. The younger boy could only give him a sheepish smile, mouthing sorry.
"Yama-chan and Yuto-kun is stalking us on our date!" It was Keito's voice, and annoyance could be sensed in his tone. Soon, the YamaJima pair entered the store with their ridiculous outfits, trying to spot the OkaTaro pair.
It was Ryosuke that spotted Yabu and Hikaru. "Did both of you see my son?" For some reason, he was now all teary-faced, and Yuto had brought the older boy into his arms. "Don't cry, Ryosuke. I'm sure our son is fine. We'll find them for sure."
Under the table, Ryutaro was in Keito's arm, both of them trembling that the YamaJima pair were so close to them. If it wasn't them, they would've been laughing at the side. Which is what the other JUMP members were doing.
Apparently, the other JUMP members had saw Keito and Ryutaro getting chased by Yuto and Ryosuke. That had perked up their interest, and they just followed them. In the end, they were now seated in the traditional looking shop looking at the show the six other members were giving them.
"What happened?" Hikaru had asked this time. It was better to feign ignorance than meeting an angry Yabu at their apartment.
Sniffing a little, Ryosuke looked at Hikaru. The older boy just swore that Ryosuke was the most feminine male ever in the world. "Our son ... Ryutaro ... Keito and Ryutaro had eloped!" And after that, Ryosuke burst into tears in Yuto's arms.
Yuto had hugged his boyfriend tighter, trying to comfort his
uke'wife'. Unable to comprehend why Ryosuke was so sentimental, and so innocent, Hikaru just started to burst out laughing, along with the other JUMP members. Yabu just shook his head, pulling Hikaru into a kiss to shut him up.
Keito and Ryutaro was still under the table when Yuto and Ryosuke went out of the store, since Ryosuke was still sobbing. "I can't believe this is how our first date went." Pouting, Ryutaro just rested his head on the crook of his boyfriend's neck.
"At least we're together. And it was kind of fun." With that, Keito leaned down and captured Ryutaro's lips into a soft gentle kiss.
Although the date had so many happenings and it was definitely far from perfect, it doesn't really matter now. Both of them knew that this was only one of the dates they have, and there would be more to come in the future.
Labels: hikabu, okataro, oneshot, yamajima, yaoi