74. Tears
Title: Tears
Pairing: YamaJima, OkaTaro
Genre: Angst / Fluff
(it's more of Angst? *whacked*)
Disclaimer: I don't own them.
Summary: It's all a misunderstanding.
A/N: For
koigaii ^^v because it's requested 8D
"How can you do this?!" The whole dressing room was so quiet now, no one dared to make a sound. In the corner of the room, was Yuto and Ryosuke. The older boy's eyes had widened at his boyfriend's outburst, and his frame started to shiver.
Never had Yuto once shouted at him.
Keito stood up, but was held back by Ryutaro. In a small whisper Ryutaro told the older boy to leave the couple alone, since it's their very own relationship. He didn't want to see his two friends break their relationship, but Keito knew that he wouldn't be able to help.
Pulling Ryutaro into his embrace, he just prayed that everything would be alright for the both of them.
His voice was shaky with fear and confusion. "Yuto, you shouldn't shout in front of them ...!" His sentence was cut off by Yuto punching the wall that was behind him. Somehow, Ryosuke was leaning against the wall for support. Biting his lips, he tried to force himself not to cry.
Rage was in the taller boy's eyes, and a lone tear just fell. "You know what, Yamada? I can't believe you'd actually cheat on me for fame." More tears started to flow down Yuto's face, and he just left. Ryosuke just crouched down, shaking his head non-stop.
Ryosuke was crying too, and than, he collapsed.
"Yuto! Wait!" Ryutaro caught up with the older boy, and sat down beside him on the bench. They were now at a park. The park where most of Yuto's memories were.
It was the place that Ryosuke and him had unofficially claimed property. The place where he confessed to Ryosuke. It was also where they had most of their dates and midnight meetings.
The dried tear tracks could be seen, and Ryutaro didn't really know what to say. "I just need sometime alone. How's Yama-chan?" Ryutaro turned to see Yuto's eyes closed, but more tears just fell. A small smile formed as he knew that Yuto still loves Ryosuke, very much.
Placing a hand on the older boy's shoulder, Ryutaro just said it, causing Yuto to jerk up from his position. "You know, Yama-chan fainted after you left. He didn't cheat on you. It was the company. They forced him to create a rumor and so-called date her. If Yama-chan didn't do as they say, they had threatened that they'll pull you out of JUMP. Or even worst, the entertainment world and not let both of you contact each other anymore."
"Where is he now?"
"General Hospital." With that, Yuto just ran with all his might. Why didn't Ryosuke tell him? Maybe, maybe it was because he didn't give the older boy a chance to explain himself. Wiping his tears, Yuto just continued to run, ignoring the burning sensation in his lungs or the ache in his leg muscles.
"Ryosuke, I'm sorry. Please be okay."
When he entered the the hospital, he had immediately spotted the rest of the JUMP members. "How is -!" This time, Yuto was cut off by Keito's grip on the hem of his shirt, slamming him onto the wall. Yabu had immediately pulled Keito away, while Hikaru held onto Yuto.
"Because of you, not letting Yama-chan explain, he's now in there. If something happens to him, I wouldn't let you off." Keito spatted at his best friend. He knew everything that was going on, since Ryosuke had confined his problems to him.
It was than Ryutaro arrived panting. He walked up to his boyfriend and gave him a slap across the face. "Keito, stop it. Everyone is worried, so stop making more problems!"
With that, Keito just collapsed into Ryutaro's embrace, and the younger boy felt his shoulder getting wet.
He knows very well that Keito knew everything Ryosuke had gone through. Ryutaro knows it too. Not as detailed, but enough to get his blood boiled. It wasn't surprising that Keito felt bad for Ryosuke who was now lying in the ward.
When Yuto stepped into the ward, his heart ached. Dried tear tracks could still be seen on Ryosuke's cheeks. Holding onto his boyfriend's hand, Yuto whispered 'Sorry's and 'Please wake up's. The rest of JUMP just waited outside, knowing that Yuto needed sometime alone with Ryosuke.
"Sorry, Yuto-kun. Don't hate me, please." Looking up, he saw Ryosuke's eyes opened, and tears were rolling down his chubby cheeks. He just shook his head, as he wiped the tears away from Ryosuke's face.
"Ryosuke, I'm sorry. I didn't let you explain to me. So sorry." A soft smile surfaced on Ryosuke's lips, and Yuto planted a gentle kiss on the older boy's forehead.
"Just promise me, tell me properly the next time."
"There wouldn't be a next time, Yuto-kun. I'll just tell you everything."
Labels: 100 yamajima scenes challenge, okataro, oneshot, yamajima, yaoi